Register for Nailed It! Binglo Tickets
You are key to the success of the Page High School PTO!
Membership Toolkit makes it easy for parents to stay connected.
By updating your family profile, you are acknowledging the importance of parent involvement at our school.
Please click the register/login button below
If you haven't set up an account before, you can do that now.
If you have a membership from another school you can use the same log-in information on the PHS PTO site update/confirm your family records, INVEST in your Patriot, volunteer and more.
Your profile must be updated each school year.
We appreciate your generosity!
Have You Downloaded The Membership Toolkit App?
Do you have the Membership Toolkit App? If you haven't already downloaded the MTK App, we suggest you do. Its a great resource for all things PTO right on your phone. You can view our directory, calendar, newsletter, purchase spirit wear and more! It's simple and FREE.
Upcoming Events
- Saturday, February 15
- Sunday, February 16
- Monday, February 17
- Tuesday, February 18
- Wednesday, February 19
- Friday, February 21
- Saturday, February 22